Travel Advice & Tips Email Consulation


Looking for some quick and easy advice for planning a trip to Northern Europe? Book my online consultation!

How it works:

  1. You send me an email containing all the travel planning you’ve done and exactly what you need help with
  2. I put together an online document answering all your questions + additional advice. The document will include place-names, online links, and recommendations
  3. You have the option to have two rounds of additional questions and advice
  4. All discussion is done via email

If you feel like you want to talk through things instead, I recommend booking a video consultation. (click here)

If you want a detailed itinerary, I recommend booking my itinerary planning. (click here)


This consultation comes with:

  • Online document with recommendations, tips, tricks, and relevant links to companies, experiences and road-trips that you should book
  • 2 rounds of additional questions + advice
  • Turnaround time of 1-2 business days


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