Gaularfjellet Tourist Road


Looking to make your road-trip around Norway more fun and informative? You definitely need our guide to the drive on the Gaularfjellet Tourist Road!

Gaularfjellet is a mountain area that separates the traditional regions of Sogn and Sunnfjord. The mountains reach as high as 1,615 metres. The tourist road has been open since 1938 and is very popular because of the rapid transition from fjord to mountain. For many, though, it is still a well-kept secret as it is not as popular or well-known as the other tourist roads.

The road was established as a tourist road because of its high number of waterfalls but also the engineering that went into building a road over the mountains.

This is one of the best-kept secrets of all the scenic roads in Norway!

Think of our guides like a fun, informative directory. We give you the information for the A to B, what to see and do along the highway while you’re on your road-trip. We also give you the practical information (toilets, food, coffee, rest areas, museums, local shops) so you can plan your trip well!

Please read below for a detailed overview of what is and isn’t included.


Looking to enhance your Norwegian road-trip? Get our guide to the Fv613, better known as the Gaularfjellet Tourist Road!

This guide will:

  • Answer the question “How do people live here?”
  • Provide you with historic images and stories relevant to where you are
  • Give you practical tips such as – where’s the nearest toilet? When can I get a hot dog? You know, the important stuff.
  • Show you interesting points where you can stop to stretch your legs or get beautiful photos of Norway
  • Give you information about museums (including opening hours), attractions, and major points of interests that you can visit

This guide won’t:

  • Drive for you (Sorry, we aren’t that advanced yet)
  • Give you accommodation tips (this guide assumes you know where you are staying already). If you want accommodation tips, visit our (free) online travel guide
  • List experiences (think of this guide as more of a fun, informative directory. If you want to know what you can do, head to our free online travel guide)
  • Detailed overview of hikes. We do list famous hikes, but don’t provide much information each one. This guide is purely for the A to B. Again, head to our free online travel guide for that information.
  • Give you a detailed map overview. We have a basic map guide, but if you are looking for something detailed, I recommend buying one online! (click here for my recommendation)

Our guides are packed! Here’s what this one includes:

  • Free interactive Google Map (with every place mentioned in the guide marked with an address) that can be loaded into your GPS, making finding that stave church or petrol station much easier.
  • Detailed overviews of all the major points of interest on the road.
  • Practical information (cafes, dining, museums, toilets, petrol, road-side rest areas, detours, alternate routes)
  • Historic, modern and practical information for every city, town, village, and farm you pass through
  • Modern and historic images of all the major points of interests
  • Distance between points
  • QR code & interactive links to museum websites, relevant pages on our website, ferry timetables, and more!

This guide was published in January 2024.

You can find the free, summarised version of this road-trip here:

This guide is 6 pages and 5MB.


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